Services · Marriage Formation

For Pastors, Assistant Pastors, and Deacons

Overview For Engaged or Civilly Married Couples

For Mentor Couples For Pastors, Assistant Pastors, and Deacons

Fr. Bruce’s Experience with Witness to Love

Can mentorship be offered to convalidating couples?

Absolutely. We are happy to share with you how we are offering mentorship for couples who have been married for a long time and are now wishing to marry in the Church. Every couple has unique needs and we will be happy to listen to where they are at and offer mentorship plus a session on the theology of marriage and also the Prepare/Enrich inventory. We may waive all the other sessions if irrelevant to the couple.

Opportunities and Benefits of Mentorship

Currently, parishes are only responsible for the completion of marriage paperwork. Mentorship would be a great opportunity to get to know marrying couples, support them, and connect them to intentional Catholic couples. It is also beneficial in strengthening marriages and families as mentor couples are enriching their own marriage at the same time. It increases a greater buy-in into the faith of the couple preparing for marriage if they are properly accompanied. Essentially, couples will feel loved by the Church as they are guided in building a successful and loving union in Christ.

How do I start? 

Contact us at [email protected] to arrange an initial meeting.
The mentorship program is run by your chosen Coaching Couple or one suggested by the Archdiocese of Vancouver.

How much work do I have to do?

There is minimal work required for priests in mentorship. You would mention during the initial meeting with the couple preparing for marriage that there are two parts to marriage formation: the archdiocesan Marriage Formation course and the mentorship. You would forward the couple’s contact information to the Coaching Couple to follow up.

How can I learn more about this?

We will be happy to come to the parish and provide an information session for you and/or ministry leaders. Contact us at [email protected] to arrange an information meeting in person or on Zoom.

Overview For Engaged or Civilly Married Couples

For Mentor Couples For Pastors, Assistant Pastors and Deacons