Relational Evangelization

What if I'm Not Ready to Lead Alpha?

1 Minute Watch - By Josh Canning

Alpha Canada

“What if I’m not ready to lead Alpha?”

It’s the question that stops a lot of us from jumping in. It’s filled with a lot of unknowns, like what if I don’t know what to say? What if no one says anything at all? 

Our friends at Alpha Canada have developed an incredible resource that helps you take the next step, sparking conversation and prayer leading up to your Alpha so you feel prepared as a leader. 

The new resource, Life.Shared, is a three-part, short video series that gets to the heart of what we need to be doing as a Church: sharing life together, and having conversations about the things that matter most in this life. 

“The aim of this series is to provoke thoughts and ideas around sharing your faith. You’ll notice that we haven’t been prescriptive about how to do so. That was intentional.

There is not a one-size-fits-all approach to evangelism and, as soon as you offer one, people tend to immediately count themselves out. 

We believe that God invites all of us to participate in His work of redeeming and healing the world.” - Alpha Canada

Life.Shared is free, and can be run as a small group series for disciples of a parish, or just a group of friends wanting to engage in mission together. 

For members of Proclaim, Life.Shared is a fantastic resource to get ready to run an Alpha or Discovery series in your home, workplace, or parish. 

If you would like to go through Life.Shared in preparation for your next Alpha or CCO study, you can download the resource for free here.

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