Faith in Culture

"What Can Catholics Do to Overcome Racism?"

17 Minute Watch - By Fr. Mark Mary

Ascension Presents

Fr. Mark-Mary asks Fr. Pierre Toussaint about his experience of racism and division in the Church. And Fr. Mark-Mary listens.

"We really are listening. We really are suffering. Real tears have been shed. We’re not PR people. We’re priests. We’re spiritual fathers and our spiritual sons and daughters are suffering. If any of you suffers, we suffer with you. Ascension Presents has graciously agreed to host a live Q and A on their YouTube channel, so that we can hear your stories, gain insight into your particular sufferings, and respond as best we can to your questions…If you are angry with us, we want to hear it. If you are confused by us, we want to hear it. If you want more guidance from us, we’re happy to offer it. Everything and anything is fair game. We’re here for you. We’re family." - Fr. Mark-Mary, CFR

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