What is Evangelization?

Telling the Story of Christianity in 5 Minutes

4 Minute Watch - By Proclaim Vancouver


There used to be a bookstore in Canada called Coles. In 1948, they published a series of literature guides for students with the sole purpose of helping students understand large, dense books (the kind you never have time to read for class). 

They revolutionized what it meant to understand a story. They cut through the big words and got to the heart of the matter. 

“Give me the Coles Notes!” became a universal phrase for someone taking too long to get to the point of what they were trying to say.

The point of Coles Notes was not to disregard the original books but actually understand them more fully; to ease into a complex story. 

It can be tough to “get to the point” when telling someone about the story of Jesus. It’s so big and vast. How do you put Christianity in a nutshell? Should we even try?

Like Coles Notes, simplifying the Gospel doesn't mean watering it down. It just means getting to the heart of the matter. 

Why did Jesus die on the cross? What does it have to do with each and every one of us? 

Sometimes to get into the greatness behind a story, you have to start simple. You have to think in different words. You have to approach it from a different point of view.

We want to invite you to think outside the box. Get to the heart of the story. Invite people into the heart of Jesus. 

Here’s a short video to help.

Given the opportunity, do you think you could tell this story in your own words?    

Tell us how you present the Coles Notes of the Gospel.

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