Evangelization Tools

The Intentional Accompaniment Series

13 Minute Read - By Proclaim Vancouver

What is Intentional Accompaniment?

In his book, Intentional Accompaniment, Michael Hall describes Intentional Accompaniment as “a model of evangelization that focuses on walking alongside others on their journey toward conversion, then remaining alongside them after conversion as they begin a life of missionary discipleship”.

Think of Jesus and his twelve disciples and St. Paul and Timothy. Accompaniment and journeying with others is not a new concept. It is an important aspect of the missionary journey, and it is crucial to learn the true intent and foundation behind accompaniment. Michael Hall described it best when he said, “the journey of discipleship is never walked alone”.

In this series of podcast episodes, Eric Chow, the Director of Proclaim, and Michael Hall, Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO) missionary break down Intentional Accompaniment and what it means for us as missionary disciples. 

Proclaim Podcast: The Intentional Accompaniment Series

This series of podcast episodes is designed to be used as a resource to learn more about Intentional Accompaniment. 

The episodes do not need to be listened to in chronological order. Feel free to listen to what speaks to you the most. Additionally, there are also discussion questions available after each episode.

Ep 34: Intentional Accompaniment Series: Conversion

In this episode, Eric and Michael discuss the three elements of initial conversion and the framework of intentional accompaniment.

 Discussion Questions 

1. What stood out to you from this episode? What stirred your heart?

2. Eric mentions a quote from the tv show, “The Chosen”, where Mary Magdalene talks about her experience with Jesus with Nicodemus. She says, “I was one way, and now I'm completely different. And the thing that happened in between was Him.” We all have a story similar to Mary Magdalene. We were living one life before and then through Christ, we were renewed completely. What led you to Christ? How did He change your life?

3. Our guest, Michael Hall, describes Intentional Accompaniment as such, “it may make the process less daunting because there is someone who is showing you the path that you can walk, you don’t have to figure it out on your own”. There are many huge benefits to accompaniment, for both the mentor and the mentee. Are you accompanying someone right now? How can you use your own experiences to help guide those you’re journeying with?

4. Who is someone in your life that the Holy Spirit is calling you to reach out to?

Ep 35: Intentional Accompaniment Series: Thresholds

In this episode, Eric and Michael discuss the stages of trust, curiousity, openness, and seeking in accompaniment.

 Discussion Questions 

1. What are your takeaways from this episode? What stood out to you the most?

2. In his book, “Intentional Accompaniment”, Michael writes that “if [the Gospel] isn’t shared in a relationship of trust, our best intentions may not matter. Others will not be able to receive it because they don’t trust us or our intentions”. This quote rings so true especially in evangelization. If those we accompany don’t trust us, our message may be lost in translation. How can we, as leaders, build on “strengthening our trust meter” with others?

3. While discussing the stage of trust, Eric and Michael touch on the idea of “moving in the speed of [your mentee’s] trust”. Others may open up easily while others may have wounds that prevent them from opening up? Have you experienced this before? What helped you in opening up to our mentor? What helped you gained the trust of your mentee?

4. Out of the four stages of intentional accompaniment: trust, curiosity, openness, and seeking, which one do you think others have the hardest time with? Which areas do you think you struggled with in your journey with conversion? How can you use what you have learned to those around you?

Ep 36: Intentional Accompaniment Series: Holiness and Mission

In this episode, Eric and Michael discuss the role of an accompanier, how to grow in our interior life, and how to build the foundation of holiness and mission in accompaniment.

 Discussion Questions 

1. "As an apprentice, you don't just go into a classroom and study how to be a cabinet maker or a plumber, and get thrown out into the field when you're deemed ready...There's that person who's there over your shoulder not to criticize you, but to be a support and a role model and who walks with you along the way." Michael shares about the importance and significance of having someone walk with you in your spiritual journey. When you think about your own spiritual journey, has there been moments where you felt like an "apprentice"? Who were your mentors? How have they helped you in growing in holiness and mission?

2. As we grow and mature in our Catholic faith, it is likely that we have encountered others in that are in the beginning stages of their spiritual journey that we can accompany. Who have you accompanied? What insights and lessons have you learned about God, yourself, and the person you accompanied in the process? How have you helped them in their growth? If you haven't accompanied anyone before and would like to, was there a time that you felt an opportunity of accompanying others came up in the past? How can you prepare yourself to be an accompanier in the future?

3. Our guest, Michael Hall, describes Intentional Accompaniment as such, “it may make the process less daunting because there is someone who is showing you the path that you can walk, you don’t have to figure it out on your own”. There are many huge benefits to accompaniment, for both the mentor and the mentee. Are you accompanying someone right now? How can you use your own experiences to help guide those you’re journeying with?

Ep 37: Intentional Accompaniment Series: Radical Commitment

In this episode, Eric and Michael discuss the three main aspects of Intentional Accompaniment: people, programs, and paraclete, and the importance of radical commitment in accompaniment.

 Discussion Questions 

1. What stood out to you from this episode?

2. "When we're planning this parish event, we put the focus on what's the room gonna look like, what's the registration process going to work .. All those things are important, you don't wanna forget those things ... But at the end, you put so much focus on that, that you forget that the event is about reaching individual people". Have you ever experienced this in ministry? What steps can you take to ensure that you focus on your overall mission?

3. "We have to have a radical commitment to a one-person-at-a-time mentality. A radical commitment to one person at a time". This is a powerful statement from our guest, Michael. Accompanying others in their journey to Christ is a personal encounter. What does Radical Commitment mean to you? How can focusing on one-person-at-a-time benefit the accompanier and the one who's being accompanied?

4. "Let the Holy Spirit take the lead". What is my relationship with the Holy Spirit? How can we trust the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our own spiritual journeys and in the way that we accompany others? How can we let the Holy Spirit to take the lead in ministry and in our own lives?

Ep 38: Intentional Accompaniment Series: Prophetic Listening

In this episode, Eric and Michael discuss prophetic listening: a crucial component in accompanying others, and they share four practical tips to intentionally build this skill.

 Discussion Questions 

1. What stood out to you from this episode?

2. "If the Lord is calling you to mission, ministry, or to a particular person, and we know that He has a plan for those people, and He has a plan for us personally; doesn't it make sense, that if He wants you to help a person to move in a direction that He wants to move, that He would let us in the plan?". Our guest, Michael, describes prophetic listening in this way. Think back when you were accompanying others (or when someone was accompanying you), have you had moments of prophetic listening with God? What happened during that encounter?

3. "If you don't take that risk, you won't ever discover how far you can take that conversation". Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever felt scared or intimidated to delve deeper in getting to know someone new? What happened? What steps can you take to ensure that you're inviting the Holy Spirit into your future conversations and encounters?

4. Think back on the four skills of prophetic listening that Michael shared: "build rapport", "survey", "zoom in" and "strengthen". Which skills do you excel at? Which skills do you find challenging? As a group, brainstorm ideas on how to build on these skills together, and what helped you in your own journey.

5. If time allows, try practicing these new skills together. Find a partner, listen to each other applying what you've learned about prophetic listening, and share feedback with one another. What have you learned from this experience/exercise?

Ep 39: Intentional Accompaniment Series: The 1-2-3-4 Model

In this episode, Eric and Michael discuss the layers of who are a part of the journey of accompanying others through CCO's 1-2-3-4 model, and dive deeper into the meaning of the scripture verse, 2 Timothy 2:2.

 Discussion Questions 

1. What stood out to you the most from this episode?

2. Have you heard of CCO's 1-2-3-4 model before? Have you had experience to a leadership structure similar to this concept in the past? What are your thoughts on this model? How can this model help each person (1s, 2s, 3s, 4s) in the ministry/movement?

3. "Who are the next generation of missionary disciples?" How have you helped those that you have accompanied to become the next leaders? If you've witnessed those you have accompanied become leaders, share your story with the group. What did you learn from that experience? If you haven't experienced this yet, keeping in mind that the one who leads in this accompaniment is the Holy Spirit, what are your dreams for your 1s? 2s? 3s?

4. In the context of leading a program or small group, it is easy to identify the 1s, 2s, and the 4s. But where we lack is finding and identifying the 3s within our ministry. How can we help build up the 2s into future 3s? As leaders in our community, how can we intentionally help 2s (and even 1s) become future 3s one day?

Want to learn more about Intentional Accompaniment?

Michael Hall is the author of "Intentional Accompaniment" and a missionary with Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO). You can learn more about the Intentional Accompaniment model at CCO.ca and order Michael's book at store.cco.ca

Proclaim also offers Intentional Accompaniment training online. Visit the Training page and our Facebook page to learn more.

Proclaim is a movement of the Archdiocese of Vancouver inspiring disciples to proclaim Jesus in their homes and communities. 

The Proclaim podcast is a space where you listen to inspiring disciples talk all things around sharing Jesus with others, and learn how to step into your own missionary identity. To learn more about Proclaim, you can visit weareproclaim.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @weareproclaim.

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