Hearing God's Voice

Finding Time for Prayer

6 Minute Watch - By Jackie and Bobby Angel

Ascension Presents

If you’re having trouble finding time for prayer, give God fifteen minutes a day. That’s one percent. St. Josemaría Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei, talked about the heroic minute—which is the first minute of the day when you get up, before things get crazy. Both he and Bobby recommend giving those first minutes to God. Or, if you’re more of a night owl, give him fifteen minutes before you go to bed. 

If we don’t have time to pray, we need to check where our priorities are. It’s easy to not see prayer as a priority because we don’t see immediate results like we do with many other priorities. But the fruits of prayer come from persistence. The more we pray, the more capable we will be to distinguish God’s voice from our own imagination.

For a helpful book on prayer and decision-making, check out Pray, Decide, and Don’t Worry by Jackie and Bobby Angel, with Fr. Mike Schmitz. 

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