
Get to know Our Lady of Guadalupe

4 Minute Read - By Hannah Chartier


Photo by Antônia Felipe on Unsplash

Mary, the Mother of Jesus has many different titles, some you may be familiar with. However, one that stands out as particularly important for this time of the New Evangelization and for our continent is Our Lady of Guadalupe. She is both the patroness of the Americas and also has been called “The Star of the New Evangelization” by St. John Paul II. 

Our Lady of Guadalupe revealed herself to a poor Mexican man named Juan Diego in 1531 on Mount Tepeyac. She appeared to him as a young woman, and identified herself as the mother of the true God. She urged him to build a church at the site of the apparition in her honor. After going to the local bishop and being turned away, Juan Diego asked Our Lady for a miraculous sign so that others would believe his story. During the fourth apparition, Mary placed roses in Juan Diego’s cloak, or tilma, and the next day, when he brought the flowers to the bishop, her image was imprinted upon the cloak. This image is now what we know as the figure of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and has been on display at the shrine in Mexico City for hundreds of years. Many miracles have been associated with this image and devotion. 

But beyond the basic background story, there is much that we can learn about who Mary has revealed herself to be in through the image and title of Our Lady of Guadalupe. 

In her appearances to Juan Diego, Mary introduced herself as both the Mother of God and the Mother of all humanity. Our Lady wants us to know that she is mother to each of us as individuals—as she reminded Juan Diego when he doubted her, saying “Am I not here, who am your mother?” 

Her identity as a true mother is even more underlined by the fact that the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe reveals Mary as pregnant, setting this title apart from other Marian apparitions. It is a simple detail in the image that shows her pregnancy, as she wears a black sash which was an indication of a woman being with child in the local native culture at the time Mary appeared. 

Photo by Grant Whitty on Unsplash

Mary, pregnant with Jesus, longs to bring her Son to us. This is why she asked Juan Diego to build a church in her honor at the site of the apparitions. She also wants the world to know that she is a safe place to bring all prayers and pleas for help. Our Lady told Juan Diego: "Here I will hear their weeping, their sorrow, and will remedy and alleviate all their multiple sufferings, necessities and misfortunes." 

In a radical way, through a miraculous image, Mary promises to be with us. She is not willing to merely watch from above, but desires to be close to us in our sufferings. 

How will you respond to her invitation to be your mother and be close to you in your struggles? 

Here is a simple prayer to help you on the journey of growing closer to Our Lady of Guadalupe. 

Remember, O most gracious Virgin of Guadalupe,
that in your apparitions on Mount Tepeyac
you promised to show pity and compassion to all who,
loving and trusting you,
seek your help and protection.

Accordingly, listen now to our supplications
and grant us consolation and relief.
We are full of hope that,
relying on your help,
nothing can trouble or affect us.
As you have remained with us through your admirable image,
so now obtain for us the graces we need.



*From the Triduum to Our Lady of Guadalupe

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