Hearing God's Voice

Book: Six Daily Habits for Spiritual Resiliency

2 Minute Read - By James Pereira

I encountered my own deconstruction a few years ago. 

I grew up in an exciting, charismatic, evangelistic environment full of mountaintop moments and so when I found myself for the first time deprived of those experiences, I became less and less certain that the Gospel had much to offer to people living everyday lives.

I don’t think it’s possible to fully understand the myriad reasons for deconstruction or deconversion but I do think that part of what makes it easy for faith to lose its appeal over time is that we have lost a vision for the sanctification of daily living. Most of our walk with God doesn’t feel like a mountaintop, it feels ordinary.

It wasn’t until I encountered simple habits or practices for my faith that I started to thrive and grow again. These days, my spiritual life is slower, more relaxed, and simpler than it was in my early youth. It’s not centred on mountaintop moments but instead on healthy habits prescribed by centuries of saints before me.

There is much to offer in the world of spiritual practices and infinite ways to begin transitioning your faith from one of the emotional highs to one of ordinary life. The book “Six Daily Habits for Spiritual Resiliency” by Fr. John O’Brien is an excellent place to start.

What You’ll Find: 

  • Easy practices to implement into your life

  • Prayer structures to build yourself 

  • Recommended prayers to use at different times in your day

  • A primer on Ignatian Discernment

  • Lists of practical resources

Six Daily Habits for Spiritual Resiliency

Free booklet to help easily begin a journey of deeper prayer and intimacy in your life.

Free Download Here

If you are struggling to see how it might be possible to grow in your spiritual life, if you feel stuck in your walk with God, if you want to go deeper but you don’t know how, you will discover much in this little book.

Fr. John’s simple recommendations will not overwhelm you or require you to give up every spare moment in an already busy life. These habits will give you a framework on which to grow if your spiritual life has become a place of exhaustion and not rest.

Wherever you are in your faith journey, I encourage you to read these words prayerfully and commit yourself to the slow, ordinary journey of becoming the kind of person who experiences the abundant life Jesus promises.

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