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Why do I suffer so much in life?

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Free - All are welcome

Online via Zoom
Date and Time
Saturday, Oct 02, 2021
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
About this Event

During his pastoral counselling as a priest, Fr. Pierre Leblond, OP met so many people dealing with deep sufferings; physical, emotional and spiritual. These trials led them to discuss with God and interrogate Him. “Why does God make things so difficult for us?” It appears that “God has set such unrealistic demands; thus no one seems be able to live up to it.” Others wonder, “Why did God create us so weak and foolish, and sinning is almost inevitable?”

Let us turn to the Word of God to seek answers! What does God have to say about these sufferings? How does God save us and finally transform our trials into something fruitful?
Join us on Saturday, October 2, 2021 at 7:00pm via Zoom.

Organized by St. Mary’s Padre Pio Prayer Group, no registration required, all are welcome. Zoom link is posted:


Lucy Rodjito
[email protected]

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